jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

A) About horses:

1. What are the  5 most common pathologies of horses? Mention them and give a little description too.

*Colic: The equidae colic is an intense pain by Vagal that causes spams from stomach to the last portions of the intestine. It's a vet urgency, if not treated, it could finish in the death of the pacient. 

*equine laminitis: It is basically the breakdown and degeneration of the junction between the cornea and sensitive sheets, in some cases it presents with perforation of the sole.

*Hormiguillo: Commonly known as hollow hull or nail dystrophy. Hull is a condition in the region of one characterized by loss and change of corneal substance. It occurs in most cases consequent upon laminitis.

*Endoparasites: Are parasites that are inside  host, usually not easily visible and necessary laboratory tests to detect its presence. Endoparasites can occur in any organ.

*Equine influenza: Acute respiratory disease in horses and highly contagious. Some of the symptoms are: fever up to 42 ° C, dry cough, hard and non-productive.

2. Publish a picture of the horse's digestive system (with names)

3. Publish a picture of the horse's external anatomy  (with names)

B) Choose one of these farm animals:  duck, cow or rabbit.

1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (40 words)


        I choose this website  because it has all the information you want to know about a rabbit. Also this website is very interactive. You can find information about rabbit classification, general rabbit statistics and useful information about rabbits. This website is very good to know and learn more about the life of these little animals.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

A Country I would like to visit


     Hellos classmates, Today I will talk you about a country I want to visit.
     I would like to visit Europe, because I love their culture. But, specifically, I would like visit Germany, because I think that this country is very interesting.
   Germany is one of the major political and economic powers of the European continent and a historic leader in many theoretical and technical fields. Also, Germany is known for Weimar Republic and Nazi Regime.

  If I go there someday, I would like visit the castles: the castles are unique cultural lanscapes that exist in the heart of Eureope.

     Also, I would like to visit the musical events and listen to fabulous orchestras whit brillant composers such as Schumann, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Bach and Handel.

Also, I will travel for the country and meet people, eat the typical food and I would like to visit the Ocktoberfest and I will be happy :)  

    In this country I would like study, because the Germany's universities are recognised internationally, indicating the high level of education in the country. After of study Veterinary Medicine I would like to do a postgraduate in the University of Germany. Then I would like live and work there.

  Ich Liebe Dich Deutschland <3 

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2: National Geographic.

In this picture, we can see a cat family. Ther mother is licking her son. I love this picture because is wonderful to see how a cat mother care and love her son. Also I love cats and that cats look like my cat, called “León”.  


In this picture we can see two baby Lions. This lion play together in their home. I like this picture because I love the Lions. Also this picture is very nice because the baby Lions fun and sharing as brothers.

* Video Section
World's Deadliest: Tiger vs. Deer:

     In this video we can see the tiger eating. A large tiger need to eat at least 12 pounds of meat per day, that's why  the tiger hides and watches to the deer, to hunt later.  The deer try to escape however the tiger catch one of them.

World's Weirdest: Kangaroo Birth:
        In this video we can see  the Kangaroo Birth.  We can see  the baby kangaroo was born  and how the baby looking for his mother. The mother cares and protect in her  pouch. Later  the baby kangaroo can walk and run.
** I will recommend you the Natgeo Wild section. There you can find videos like: Extreme Survivors, Extreme Hunters, Extreme killers, etc.  It's very interesting, because we can learn about wild animals. Also we know other animals, not so traditional, but they are very interesting too.