jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

A) About horses:

1. What are the  5 most common pathologies of horses? Mention them and give a little description too.

*Colic: The equidae colic is an intense pain by Vagal that causes spams from stomach to the last portions of the intestine. It's a vet urgency, if not treated, it could finish in the death of the pacient. 

*equine laminitis: It is basically the breakdown and degeneration of the junction between the cornea and sensitive sheets, in some cases it presents with perforation of the sole.

*Hormiguillo: Commonly known as hollow hull or nail dystrophy. Hull is a condition in the region of one characterized by loss and change of corneal substance. It occurs in most cases consequent upon laminitis.

*Endoparasites: Are parasites that are inside  host, usually not easily visible and necessary laboratory tests to detect its presence. Endoparasites can occur in any organ.

*Equine influenza: Acute respiratory disease in horses and highly contagious. Some of the symptoms are: fever up to 42 ° C, dry cough, hard and non-productive.

2. Publish a picture of the horse's digestive system (with names)

3. Publish a picture of the horse's external anatomy  (with names)

B) Choose one of these farm animals:  duck, cow or rabbit.

1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (40 words)


        I choose this website  because it has all the information you want to know about a rabbit. Also this website is very interactive. You can find information about rabbit classification, general rabbit statistics and useful information about rabbits. This website is very good to know and learn more about the life of these little animals.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

A Country I would like to visit


     Hellos classmates, Today I will talk you about a country I want to visit.
     I would like to visit Europe, because I love their culture. But, specifically, I would like visit Germany, because I think that this country is very interesting.
   Germany is one of the major political and economic powers of the European continent and a historic leader in many theoretical and technical fields. Also, Germany is known for Weimar Republic and Nazi Regime.

  If I go there someday, I would like visit the castles: the castles are unique cultural lanscapes that exist in the heart of Eureope.

     Also, I would like to visit the musical events and listen to fabulous orchestras whit brillant composers such as Schumann, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Bach and Handel.

Also, I will travel for the country and meet people, eat the typical food and I would like to visit the Ocktoberfest and I will be happy :)  

    In this country I would like study, because the Germany's universities are recognised internationally, indicating the high level of education in the country. After of study Veterinary Medicine I would like to do a postgraduate in the University of Germany. Then I would like live and work there.

  Ich Liebe Dich Deutschland <3 

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2: National Geographic.

In this picture, we can see a cat family. Ther mother is licking her son. I love this picture because is wonderful to see how a cat mother care and love her son. Also I love cats and that cats look like my cat, called “León”.  


In this picture we can see two baby Lions. This lion play together in their home. I like this picture because I love the Lions. Also this picture is very nice because the baby Lions fun and sharing as brothers.

* Video Section
World's Deadliest: Tiger vs. Deer:

     In this video we can see the tiger eating. A large tiger need to eat at least 12 pounds of meat per day, that's why  the tiger hides and watches to the deer, to hunt later.  The deer try to escape however the tiger catch one of them.

World's Weirdest: Kangaroo Birth:
        In this video we can see  the Kangaroo Birth.  We can see  the baby kangaroo was born  and how the baby looking for his mother. The mother cares and protect in her  pouch. Later  the baby kangaroo can walk and run.
** I will recommend you the Natgeo Wild section. There you can find videos like: Extreme Survivors, Extreme Hunters, Extreme killers, etc.  It's very interesting, because we can learn about wild animals. Also we know other animals, not so traditional, but they are very interesting too.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Cuarto Cuchipanda :)

      Hello, this is my old classmates.  I don't remember who took this picture, maybe take my teacher :) , because all my classmates appear here.
      This picture was taken in June of 2010, when I was in the last year of school (the best year!). This photograph shows the last alliance for the anniversary of the school. This day, my classmates and me, danced the song "Thriller" of Michael Jackson and did a dance recreating what happend in the earthquake of 27 of February. It's really touching.  Also this day we sing many popular songs and we compete against other alliances for the grand prize.
      I love this picture, because I have beautiful memories of my old classmates. In this school I met my best friend, I met my teacher Sergio Santelices (the best teacher of the school and the world).  Also I love my old school: Liceo Carmela Carvajal, because teach me many things and gave me opportunities that in other school I had not had.

FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010. Liceo Carmela Carvajal.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

What's your Opinion?

1.-What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? 
I think that the exotic pets beautiful and nice, but this animals are very special, because some animals need specials care or can be very dangerous like spider, scorpion or snake. 
This animals needs habitat, diet  and careful all your life. Also we must make sure that this animal exotic is not ilegal. Then, if you want  to have an exotic animals, you must be very careful and responsible.  
2.-What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
 In my opinion, the Chileans politicians are corrupt. Every years they promise people who made a change in the country, but only are promises, because they fail.  The politicians only think about their own welfare. They steal money of poor people and not invest in health or education. 
All politicians are the same >:( .

3.-What is your opinion about fortune telling? 

 I think in the fortune, beacuse my friend tell me the future and she was right in what she said. However, I think that often the people  fell persuasive   and  they scared before things happens.

4.-What is your opinion about  climate change? 
 I think that the climate change is fault of  unconsciousness of the people. All people think that the other peopleshould be help the planet, however, no one does.  We are concerned only about ourselves and we don't realized that the climate changes affects us all. Any changes we want to make, pat of ourserlves, in our homes.

5.-What is your opinion about recycling?
 In think that the recycling is a great idea, because the world needs reuse the things that don't deal, but still serve. This is one form of help the planet and contribute to a healthier world. 

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

            When I was a child, my dream job was to be a Poet, because I love writing poems. But when I growth, my dream was to be an Astronomer, because  I love the Universe, the stars and the sky.  In my life, the only career was Astronomy.
            In 2011, I enter to study Physics at University, but mid-year I realized that if I study Astronomy, I would not be happy. This career was not for me. That's why me rethink my future and  I decided to study veterinary medicine. I always love animals and  I thought my way to help in this life was helping animals.
            This year has been incredible, because I love my new career.  The experience of being with animals is very rewarding: they are happy with so little. Also the animals give love without asking anything in return.
            In a future, I would like to work in the wildlife conservation. My dream is work in a national park or make documentaries like Animal Planet :) .

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

My favorite Piece of Technology

      My favorite piece of technology is my  keyboard. I love my keyboard because my mom and my father gave it to  me  when I get  in the university, in 2011.
      I use my keyboard  to relax me and I use for the play music thaht I like.
      I use my keyboard occasionally, because I don't have enought time. But, when I have time I play the keyboard for hours in my house.
    I like it because I am  really happy when I play it. Also I like because I can see my friends when I go to the orchestra.
  My life without my keyboard would be very sad, because the music is my life. I met most of my friends in the orchestra. Also, play the keyboard makes me see life in a better way and when I play the keyboard make me fell happy and its help to study. 


lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

> Go to Animal Planet Website
> Act 01.- Go to Pets 101 > dog breed selector  > select your favorite dog breed by responding the dog breed questionnaire.
what is your favorite dog breed's name?:   Parson Russell Terrier.  
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: Velocista, Esprìnter
jogger: Persona que hace footing.
breed: Raza.
to hunt: de caza.
laid-back approach: tranquilo y relajado.
watchdog: guardian.
grooming: Aseo, acicalamiento. 

1.-Trainable: entrenable.
2.- Maintanence: Mantenimiento.
3.-Slightly: ligeramente. 
4.- Slender: esbelto. 
5.- Tiny: Minusculo, diminuto. 

> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog health >Vet vocabulary
   What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia.
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Inflammation.
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside:Ribs.
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus.
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body:Ventricles.
-  Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: Lungs.
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus.
> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin. 
I choose this program because I love cats. I have two catas. The cats are incredible and very independets. Also in this program I learn of lives of cats and how to care.

I choose this program because I think that is very interesting. Also The videos are very funny.
I choose this program because I am impress with the videos. I think that the program can help  people to become aware  on  tenancy of dangerous animals. 





          I tell you that I love the music! I love play the music. My favorite band is Aeroesmith, an American rock band. The band was formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970. Guitarist Joe Perry and bassist Tom Hamilton , originally in a band together called the Jam Band, met up with singerStevenTyler , drummer Joey Kramer, and guitarist Ray Tabano, and formed Aerosmith.
          I love this band because the music is very romantic and sexy. Also the member of this bands are excellent musicians and the voice of the vocalist is great. 
           My favorite song of this band is "I don't want miss a thing", because I remember the movie "Armageddon", since the movie is included in the video. And I love "Armageddon".  
          I very difficult for me choose my favorite band because I like many bands, like Bon jovi,  A-ha, Beach Boys, The Smiths; in general, the 80's musics. Also, I like other bands: Coldplay, Keane, Nirvana, etc.  

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Why can't we be friends?

Karla Cristina Silva Duque  was born in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, she studied at Colegio Compañía de María in Puente Alto. Later, she completed his high school studies at Liceo Carmela Carvajal in Providecia.

Karla studied Bachelor Degrees in Physics at Universidad Católica de Chile. But, in 2012 she leaves this career and she goes to Universidad de Chile to study Veterinary Medicine, because physics she doesn't like. 

She lives with her family: her father, mother and her sister. And she have two cats:  León (2 years) and Nea (3years).

Karla was member of the orchesta of her school, she played de violin. Also, she learned play the piano and guitar on your own. But then she enter to the university, she leaves the musics.